Development of the cooperation between higher education institutions and the economy, obligatory work placement, work based learning, better legal regulations, encouraging student entrepreneurship, monitoring their employability and rising the awareness for social entrepreneurship are key elements of boosting (self-)employability and the successful integration of students and young people into the Croatian and international labour market.
This was discussed by domestic and international experts from nine countries at panels and workshops at “University Business Forum Croatia”, on a theme "Learning by earning - first steps to (self) employment", held on October 19th and 20th at the island of Vis.
This forum, which was held in Croatia for the first time ever, is the platform of the European Commission for encouraging better employability of young people, and it was jointly organized by the European Commission and VERN’ in cooperation with the Croatian Employers' Association, the University of Rijeka and the University of Split, with the support of the Ministry of Science and Education, the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Craft and the Ministry of Labour and Pension System.
UBForum Croatia has brought together business and academic experts, representatives of higher education institutions, employers, ministries and agencies, but also students from Germany, Greece, France, Netherlands, Belgium, USA, Slovakia, Ireland and Croatia who presented experiences and challenges of their countries in stimulating (self-)employability of young people.
Challenges facing students and young people but also facing the cooperation between education and the economy has been addressed by Mr. Peter Baur (DG Education and Culture, European Commission), Mrs.
Snježana Prijić-Samaržija, Ph.D., Rector of the University of Rijeka, Mr. Marko Rosić, Ph.D.,
Vice Rector of the University of Split, Mr. Vlatko Cvrtila, Ph.D., Dean of VERN’ and many
other renowned experts.
During the two-day conference, a total of three panels, five workshops and several sessions have covered the topics such as: binary education system and matching the needs of the labor market, dual studies, work based learning, social entrepreneurship, collaboration between faculties and employers, entrepreneurial learning, employability of students, etc.
More information about thematic "University Business Forum" at the island of Vis can be found on the official website: