Celebrating the first Day of VERN' University was at the same time an opportunity to award the best students with special awards from the Rector, who during their studies so far have distinguished themselves with academic success, extracurricular activities and professional achievements.
The first Day of VERN' University was held in festive atmosphere at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall in Zagreb. On that occasion the first honorary doctorate was awarded to Dr. h. c. mult. Doris Pack and the first Rector's awards to students.
The event was attended by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Mr. Andrej Plenković, accompanied by ministers and high-ranking government officials, as well as individual representatives of the European Parliament and Croatian Parliament, representatives of the academic community and successful Croatian companies and distinguished alumni of VERN' University.
Rector prof. Vlatko Cvrtila, Ph.D. in his speech stated the criteria according to which Mrs. Pack was awarded VERN's first honorary doctorate. He emphasised that it was Mrs. Pack, through the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, then the president of the Delegation for Southeast Europe, and later the president of the Committee for Education and Culture of the European Parliament, continuously followed the development of VERN since 2001. Mrs. Pack gave valuable advice and support during our organic growth and development, which significantly contributed to the overall private initiatives in the higher education system in Croatia.
In addition, Rector Cvrtila pointed out, "the role and importance of Mrs. Pack for the international reputation of the Republic of Croatia, which is why the Senate of VERN' University brought the decision to award her the first honorary doctorate".
"Connecting education and business is a very important process, and this is exactly what has been happening at VERN all these years since I have been following it. Young people today need good and quality education, they are the future of this country and they will make it more prosperous. I am convinced of that and that's why I invite young people to stay in Croatia", Dr. h. c. mult. Doris Pack pointed out.
Laureate Dr. h. c. mult. Doris Pack thanked the committee for the honorary doctorate. The members of the committee were associate prof. Hrvoj Špehar, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Political Sciences, assistant prof. Nikolina Borčić, Ph.D. from VERN' University and Rector prof. Vlatko Cvrtila Ph.D.
The CEO of VERN' University, Ivo Ivančić thanked Mrs. Pack for her contribution. On this occasion a cross-section documentary of VERN's development was shown.
The celebration of the first Day of VERN' University was at the same time an opportunity to reward the best students who during their studies have distinguished themselves with academic success, extracurricular activities and professional achievements with a special recognition from the Rector.
The following students received the first Rector's awards: Stipe Batur from Business Communications Management, Marita Čatić from Public Relations, Sara Đurković from Business Economics, Marta Miš from Management of Sustainable Tourism Development, Iva Pahlić from Journalism, Marino Sulić from Internet of Things, Josip Šijaković from Business Management, Dina Uglešić from Film and Television Directing and Production and Vida Žagar from Film and Television Directing and Production studies.
Communication Department
Photographs: Krasnodar Peršun
Date of publication: March 23, 2023